Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween (a lackluster entry)

So, tonight is the night to take the kids out for candy (or stuff them in a pumpkin if you are in some kind of twisted Anne Geddes mood).

Anybody do anything cool over the weekend to celebrate the holiday? Some people I know ran marathon, some people prepared to start a new job today, some people explored a new city, some people studied for a big test (hopefully!). Me, I stayed home and recuperated from life this weekend.

Anybody see/wear any cool costumes this weekend that they can share with the rest of us? I got a report that the costumes of choice on Northgate this year involved lingerie and even a few pasties. Sounds like a good time to me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I received this email today from an individual who will not be named. Started laughing out loud in my training class so I just had to share.

"I bought this big can of prunes and raisins apple sauce and other "healthy" food... I didn't realize that prunes are known to help you. . . you know. . .so I ate half the can before lunch. . . At 2 pm I ran to the bathroom and was there forever. . .SO embarrassing! Avoid prunes. . . not cool. . . They taste good but they're just not cool. . ."

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Congratulations Tami & Jim !!!

Wishing the best of luck to the beautiful couple as they enjoy their honeymoon. I was very honored to be a part of their special day by serving as a groomsmen. I had a great time at the hometown wedding this past weekend. (and check out the nuts on that cake!!)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

"Mine's a heifer!"

I finally got my nano set up tonight. The winning name was. . .well none. I was just going to go with Todd (my middle name) but roomie over here got her panties in a wad telling me it's not like it's a kid or anything so I shouldn't give it a person's name. So I settled on My pod Todd. Kind of a compromise between Kim's name rhyming, Phillip's myPod and my generic Todd. Sorry Terrance, while Oxymorons are fun, I just wasn't sold on that particular one.

And after it was all set up, I had to show Kim (an iPod mini owner) how I could do finger lifts with my tiny electronic miracle. Her eyes glowed in wonder as she commented about her mini, "mine's a heifer!"

I'm going to try and take him out for a job tomorrow and see what he's really made of.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The iPod is myPod!!!

I GOT IT, I GOT IT!!!! I finally found the 4GB iPod Nano, white. Didn't have time to set it up yet but it's finally in my hands.

Now on to the import part. Kim tells me when I set up the program I have to give it a name. Please give me suggestions on what to name my iPod.

Monday, October 10, 2005

What I'm watching.

So we are well into the new TV season and I'm sure y'all are all curious about what I'm watching:

West Wing- watched the premier but haven't caught the follow ups. May pick it up later in the season, as Terrance keeps me up to date.
Desperate Housewives- (who isn't?) although I'm not as into it as I was last year. Since the big mystery was solved last season and all of the main characters have changed their roles and or personalities, I just don't care about them as much as before. Hopefully it will start to pick up.
Gray's Anatomy- Not a fan of this one. The roomy loves it but I just don't understand why they all keep sleeping with each other. Do they EVER leave the hospital?

How I Met Your Mother- May not keep this one all year as I don't care for some of the cast but Neil Patrick Harris is HILARIOUS!!! "Suit Up!" "Have you met Ted?"

Nip/Tuck- Good show when you are looking for high drama (and not the OC type). Hasn't captivated me as much as the prior seasons though.

Lost- Haven't been a fan of this one since the third episode of last season. I never felt like the show knew where it was going. They have started to unravel the plot this season (and people discussing this matter at work has got me tuning in again) but I still don't think it has enough direction. Will probably drop this again soon.

Smallville - So I'm a big Superman fan. Haven't always liked the tone or direction of the show but last season was great and this season it's sounding like he might actually become Superman sometime soon.
Everwood - Catch this one off and on. It's on the TiVo season pass but might not stay there long.

Friday - Nada. Hopefully I'm out on the town celebrating life.

See Friday, unless the week's Justice League Unlimited is new on Cartoon Network (and then I TiVo it and watch it later). I know I'm a geek but its a cool show about Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and cohorts written on a mostly adult Sci-Fi level.

Also try to catch some Aggie football but that's been pretty painful lately.

So what are you watching?

Nicknames at work

Over the past 2 years (plus the 3 month internship) at work I have come to be know by many names. To honor my soon to be departing coworker who created many of the names, I'm going to list them for you:

1. JU4Todd- So this one came about during a happy hour while recruiting for the internship. This was my email address on my resume and the manager and associates thought that Todd was my boyfriend and I was "for" him?? The name is still sometimes used by my senior manager.

2. JTU - This one seems to be a derivative of the JU4Todd. Once the Todd was explained, I guess this one made a little more sense. It is more often used by the same senior manager noted in #1.

3. JC - The initials of a coworker named Jarod. This is of course only used on accident.

4. Poodle - Used by my favorite DC coworker after I dubbed her Mittens for wearing pink mittens. She took this as a sign of affection and felt the dog reference was a way to show affection in return.

5. Spidey - A group of guys in Tampa thought I looked like Toby McGuire around the time Spider Man 2 came out.

6. Sharrett - I was sitting next to the printer and we asked the IT guy to set up a network printer. He said that he could run it through one of our computers and we work on a shared network through that computer. The senior on said to use my computer because I could Share-it. That random IT guy still calls me Sharrett when he sees me in the elevator.

7. Janet - We were talking about mistakes in names or getting the wrong mail or something and I mentioned how I sometimes got mail for Janet because if you write real fast, the 2 'R's in my name blend together into an 'N'

8. Cornbread - Another guy on my team brought cornbread for lunch and someone thought it was a bright idea to then call ME cornbread. WTF???

9. Sweet Tea - The cute Southern girl on our team (the one this post is written in honor of) gave me this one. It didn't last too long because it was a little awkward calling you coworker sweet-y.

10. Pork Chop - See #9 above.

11. Butterbean - This one has received the most mileage. It was started because I ordered lima beans as a side with my barbecue one day and the Southern girl equates butterbeans with lima beans. This one caught one to all of the females on the team and the male partner has used it a few times. I almost named my blog Butterbean.

Additional name worthy of mentioning: At my very first job back in high school, I was called Tourettes (like the syndrome) because it sounds like my name and I made some kind of funny move with my head one day.