Nicknames at work
Over the past 2 years (plus the 3 month internship) at work I have come to be know by many names. To honor my soon to be departing coworker who created many of the names, I'm going to list them for you:
1. JU4Todd- So this one came about during a happy hour while recruiting for the internship. This was my email address on my resume and the manager and associates thought that Todd was my boyfriend and I was "for" him?? The name is still sometimes used by my senior manager.
2. JTU - This one seems to be a derivative of the JU4Todd. Once the Todd was explained, I guess this one made a little more sense. It is more often used by the same senior manager noted in #1.
3. JC - The initials of a coworker named Jarod. This is of course only used on accident.
4. Poodle - Used by my favorite DC coworker after I dubbed her Mittens for wearing pink mittens. She took this as a sign of affection and felt the dog reference was a way to show affection in return.
5. Spidey - A group of guys in Tampa thought I looked like Toby McGuire around the time Spider Man 2 came out.
6. Sharrett - I was sitting next to the printer and we asked the IT guy to set up a network printer. He said that he could run it through one of our computers and we work on a shared network through that computer. The senior on said to use my computer because I could Share-it. That random IT guy still calls me Sharrett when he sees me in the elevator.
7. Janet - We were talking about mistakes in names or getting the wrong mail or something and I mentioned how I sometimes got mail for Janet because if you write real fast, the 2 'R's in my name blend together into an 'N'
8. Cornbread - Another guy on my team brought cornbread for lunch and someone thought it was a bright idea to then call ME cornbread. WTF???
9. Sweet Tea - The cute Southern girl on our team (the one this post is written in honor of) gave me this one. It didn't last too long because it was a little awkward calling you coworker sweet-y.
10. Pork Chop - See #9 above.
11. Butterbean - This one has received the most mileage. It was started because I ordered lima beans as a side with my barbecue one day and the Southern girl equates butterbeans with lima beans. This one caught one to all of the females on the team and the male partner has used it a few times. I almost named my blog Butterbean.
Additional name worthy of mentioning: At my very first job back in high school, I was called Tourettes (like the syndrome) because it sounds like my name and I made some kind of funny move with my head one day.
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