Monday, February 06, 2006

I could name more

Tagged by Phillip, I give you 4:

Four Places I've Lived:
1. Yorktown, TX
2. College Station, TX
3. Alexandria, VA
4. Dallas, TX

Four Jobs I've Had
1. Nursery clerk/waterer/planter/all-purpose plant guy
2. Plant Pathology lab worker
3. TA for Accounting for non-business majors
4. Auditor (yippieeee!)

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over:
1. Batman Begins
2. Stand By Me
3. Beautiful Thing
4. G.I.Joe the movie (yep, its a cartoon I about had memorized way back when. Nostalgia overwhelms when I see it now)

TV Shows You Love:
1. Growing Pains
2. Star Trek: The Next Generation
3. Dawson's Creek
4. Justice League Unlimited

Four Places You've Been on Vacation
1. Port Aransas, TX (every summer for the first 12+ years of my life)
2. Las Vegas (Like 5+ times already with the fam.)
3. Europe (3xs)
4. Appalachian Mountains

Four Of Your Favorite Foods
1. Omelets
2. Crab Legs
3. Scallops
4. Cafe Excel's Strawberry Tart

Four Places You'd Rather Be:
1. The Beach (it's summer somewhere right?)
2. To steel from Philip, I could name a few choice individuals' beds. . . but I'll refrain.
3. Bacharach, Germany
4. New York City

Four Albums You Adore: (this probably meant music but I'd prefer):
1. Photo Album #1: High School through sophomore Year at A&M
2. Photo Album #2: College Junior & Senior Year
3. Photo Album #3: Europe with Terrance and beyond College
4. Hilariously captioned photo book Tricia made of our trip to Puerto Vallarta.


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