Sunday, January 22, 2006

Weekend of What?

So the plan for the weekend was to go home for a wedding and visit the family. I got about an hour outside of the city on Friday night and decided I was a bit to tired to make the remaining 4 hour trek (and the thought of a 5 hour return trip a day and a half later really bummed me out) so I turned around. Slept late, watched 40 Year Old Virgin, took the CPA online ethics course and pretty much vegged the weekend away. Anyone else have an interesting weekend?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Gay Buffet

For the past two weeks I have been working with a team of all guys (no, this isn't the buffet). This is something that I don't think I've ever done before. The entire day is completely different in almost every way than it is with even just one female on the team. What that means is that with deciding on lunch and dinner during the day and a two week period where UT won the Rose Bowl and Marcus Vick got kicked out of Virginia Tech, not a single productive piece of work is going to get down. The comment made at the end of today was that we just need one girl here to keep us productive.

There are seven guys in all and two of them get there early every day so that they can leave for a couple of hours in the afternoon and go to the gym. When one of the guys got back yesterday, he mentioned his problem with old guys in the locker room who like to stand around (or sit on the benches) naked and talk to anybody else in the room. For those of you who haven't spent a little bit of time in a guy's locker room, this is true of all old men who go to the gym.

Anyway, when the second guy got back today, we asked him if he had any 'old guy' experiences today. He responded no, but said he had another kind of bad experience today. He prefaced his story by saying that he has nothing against gay people, it's just the staring. He said there was a gay couple (he has seen them work out together several times and it's obvious they are a couple) in the locker room when he was getting dressed. While he changed his boxers, they both just full-on stared at him the whole time. He said that it just didn't seem fair that they got to stare at him in the locker room. That it was like him just wandering into the women's locker room and sitting down to watch. The guy's locker room was like a buffet to them. It was such a good deal for them, that if he was gay he would probably just hang out in the guy's locker room all day.

On another gay note, a third guy in the room randomly commented last week "I wish I could quit you." I laughed under my breath.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Busy Season Day 1: And so it begins...again...

Yes everyone, Tax season is here again (only my fellow accountants and those whom I have lectured about how audit and tax season differ will get that little bit of accounting humor). What busy season means to me: Lot's of time with my coworkers, Lot's of delivered food eaten at my computer, Lot's of extra body weight as I eat to find some little bit of happiness, Depression, Anger, exhaustion. . .I digress.

Tonight actually wasn't bad. It was a 12 hour day but with the group I'm working with for the next week, I don't expect too much pain. I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


So I post as a follow up of my overly emotional Rose bowl post last night. I was originally unhappy with UT's win because I was expecting arrogant bragging once I got to work today. Instead I found a guy who was truly appreciative of his alma mater's success and knew so much about the details of the game and the season and each of his comments about the game where so detailed, you couldn't help but respect his passion. Now my only issue is that I feel USC got no props in the media today even though Vince only won by 3.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The State, the school and the disappointment

Those crazy Canadians don't seem to understand good ol' fashioned college football rivalry. I got a phone call from my Canadian-DC buddy who just happens to be in Austin tonight on business. She called around half time from a bar wearing a burnt orange Rose Bowl t-shirt looking for praise from me for cheering for UT in the Rose Bowl. To clear up any misunderstandings there are a couple of things I feel I need to explain. Just because I am from Texas and therefore am known as "The Texan" doesn't mean I am obligated to cheer for Texas to win the national championship tonight. While I do love the city of Austin and am willing to concede that the University of Texas does provide a quality education, you must understand that I am an Aggie. Beging the Red Ass Aggie that I am and have always been (okay, no comments about the quality of my spirit from my college buds), I just can't bring myself to root for the enemy. . . . .
and an edit after the end of the game: I am still going to hold onto the idea that UT shouldn't have gotten that first touchdown because of the downed knee and therefore UT lost by 3!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Semester System

So I'm 26 years old and have been out of college for 2 years and 7 months. I have come to terms with the fact that I no longer spend my days with young, diverse, interesting and mostly attractive people wearing pajamas and baseball caps. I've gotten over not going out every Thursday night, getting drunk and sleeping all day Friday because I had no classes (yes, those of you who left after 4 years, I DID do this my 5th year!). I understand that you can't learn new things everyday for the rest of your life. I've come to grips with no naps, no summer road trips, no. . .
what the HELL am I talking about! I most certainly have not come to grips with any of this! I want to be a young and naive college kid who has the whole world open to him. Instead, now I do taxes.