Sunday, June 25, 2006

Damn all that higher education!!

Couldn't sleep last night as I had an ongoing nightmare centering around me not passing a calculus exam. Well, not passing is an understatement. I got a big fat zero on it. I also had another exam the same day and do not think I did well on that one but Mr. Sandman wanted to focus on the calculus class. It's funny that this scenario kind of happened in real life when I waited until 10 pm the night before my first calculus and accounting exams in college (same night). Since math and accounting are not my strong suites when it comes to exams, lets just say it was a stressful night that led to me dropping calculus (couldn't mess up my 4.0 at the time) and working REALLY hard to get that accounting grade back up to an A.

Have no clue why this popped into my head last night. I've been out of college for three years already (scary) and my last meaningful exam was a year ago (CPA), and I passed that one.

Who knows, maybe it stems from the guilt I'm feeling over my laziness at work right now?

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Best Summer Ever!!!

I completely admit that I have stolen Kimmmm & Emmmmm's current copywritten catch phrase but frankly my dear, I just don't give a damn! This is going to be MY best summer ever, too!!!

*Best Sugar Daddy Ever: The love of my life graduated from Medical School. Everybody, meet Dr. Honey (he's the one in the funny hat).

*Best Recovery Ever: One of my very best friends had a successful back surgery (made it on a national network twice) and is speedily recovering. She should be able to dance at her sister's wedding in December!!!!

*Best 'No Problem Mon!' Vacation Ever: Terrance and I journeyed to Jamaica to celebrate summer and his graduation. We survived the food at the luxury resort, didn't get knifed (as someone in the airport warned against), were offered marijuana at least twice (of which we did Not partake), and survived with only minor sunburns. Overall, it was a very relaxing, sun filled vacation at a great resort. Plus, I got to scuba dive for the first time!!!

*Best 'Making the Best of a Situation' Ever: Granny is recovering at home (with lots of help from Mom) from her recent stoke, and slowly but surely, she is making progress on her way toward getting back to her old self again.

*Best Use of Work Travel for Personal Benefit: Two day update training last week in Chicago. Since I had never been to the windy city, I flew in early Saturday and spent the weekend wandering around the beautiful city enjoying their great weather.

And. ..... . . .. . .

* Best 'New Home to Start Life Together with Dr. Honey in Fort Worth' Ever:
We closed on Thursday and move in on Sunday/Monday. Hopefully we won't kill each other during the move in 100 degree heat nor in deciding how to set up the furniture. If we survive the move, we move straight onto Happily Ever After.