Monday, February 27, 2006

The Way I See It #65

If you're worried about getting a job - or keeping one - start a company of your own. By doing so, you'll reap the rewards of your hard work and you'll only get fired if you fail. This is the land of opportunity. Live in it.
--Bruce Campbell

Sunday, February 19, 2006

My First Dallas Celebrity Sighting!

Dallas Mavericks star Dirk Nowitzki!

I was in line Wednesday for lunch at eatZi's (kinda like Dean and Deluca) when an overwhelmingly tall and scruffy man came in to the store for some grub. While I'm not a huge basketball fan, it's not hard to recognize this guy when he is 7 foot tall.

Monday, February 13, 2006

You know you're getting old when

no matter how little you drink when you go out, you still end up with a nasty hangover the next morning.

I was invited to an Intern/First Year unofficial happy hour on Friday by a girl on the other audit team in our room who I have barely meet. I took a change on it being fun and urged a married (well common law anyway) coworker to go with me. I was the only one in my group officially invited this coworker speculated it was because I was the only one on the team who was "single."

Anyway I made a fashionably late entrance to Corner Bar where I quickly noticed that the happy hour had already passed (drink #1). I called Aaron to check on his whereabouts and was informed it wasn't Corner Bar but Quarter Bar, I always confuse the two. So drinks 2 and 3 where had at Quarter Bar. The event was then moved to Idle Rich Pub (across the street from my apartment, yey). I lose count of drinks here but they were dark bear, I would guess drink #4-8. After some fun little discussions with several people, including the merits, locations and skill levels of Beer Pong and Flip Cup, the group dwindled down to 5 guys. So what do five accountants do late in the evening, why go to one of Dallas' trendiest rooftop bars in Down Town. There I switched to Jack and Coke finishing the evening with drinks #9 and 10. Event worth noting is I talked coworker into agreeing to jump into a pool of Pink and Red balloons for $50. He didn't quite notice that underneath the balloons was actually a pool of water. I stopped him from following through because I wasn't sure how you handle having a drunk, wet coworker/friend get thrown out of a nice bar when it's freezing outside.

Anyway, hope the whole group made it home okay (got a call the next afternoon from one wondering how he got home when I had to remind him that HE DROVE HOME!!!)

So my headache was killer all day. Don't you love getting old.

Also saw Annapolis this weekend. Don't recomend it (although Kim was entertained). It's more than a bit light on plot and the acting does not begin to make up for that shortcoming.

Monday, February 06, 2006

I could name more

Tagged by Phillip, I give you 4:

Four Places I've Lived:
1. Yorktown, TX
2. College Station, TX
3. Alexandria, VA
4. Dallas, TX

Four Jobs I've Had
1. Nursery clerk/waterer/planter/all-purpose plant guy
2. Plant Pathology lab worker
3. TA for Accounting for non-business majors
4. Auditor (yippieeee!)

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over:
1. Batman Begins
2. Stand By Me
3. Beautiful Thing
4. G.I.Joe the movie (yep, its a cartoon I about had memorized way back when. Nostalgia overwhelms when I see it now)

TV Shows You Love:
1. Growing Pains
2. Star Trek: The Next Generation
3. Dawson's Creek
4. Justice League Unlimited

Four Places You've Been on Vacation
1. Port Aransas, TX (every summer for the first 12+ years of my life)
2. Las Vegas (Like 5+ times already with the fam.)
3. Europe (3xs)
4. Appalachian Mountains

Four Of Your Favorite Foods
1. Omelets
2. Crab Legs
3. Scallops
4. Cafe Excel's Strawberry Tart

Four Places You'd Rather Be:
1. The Beach (it's summer somewhere right?)
2. To steel from Philip, I could name a few choice individuals' beds. . . but I'll refrain.
3. Bacharach, Germany
4. New York City

Four Albums You Adore: (this probably meant music but I'd prefer):
1. Photo Album #1: High School through sophomore Year at A&M
2. Photo Album #2: College Junior & Senior Year
3. Photo Album #3: Europe with Terrance and beyond College
4. Hilariously captioned photo book Tricia made of our trip to Puerto Vallarta.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

One State Two State, Red State. . .other red state?

States I have visited (did not include states that were only driven through).

create your own visited states map
or check out these Google Hacks.

And to add the other countries I've visited: Bahamas, Canada, England, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Scotland, Spain & Switzerland. (yes I know, no where too exotic) Favorite foreign places: Bacharach, Germany and Vernasa, Italy.